
Rule Change Proposals

CACC motorsport regulations are periodically revised as a result of proposals submitted by CACC members through a Rule Change Proposal process.

To propose a rule change, a CACC member may submit a Rule Change Proposal prior to October 1 each year. Proposals will be reviewed for appropriateness and then presented for discussion and voting by discipline licensees at the appropriate annual fall motorsport discipline meeting.

Note that General Competition Regulations and changes relating to matters of motorsport safety are the sole purvue of the CACC Board of Directors.

Rule change proposals submitted from 2022 onward may be viewed at this location.

Motorsport Regulations

Rules and regulations governing competition within each of CACC’s disciplines can be found below. Check back periodically for the latest rule updates.

Area or DisciplineRegulations and GuidelinesRevision
AutoslalomCACC Autoslalom Regulations
CNSC Autoslalom Regulations
SCCA Solosport Regulations

General Competition (GCRs)CACC General Competition Regulations2025
High Performance Driver EducationCACC HPDE Regulations2023
Ice RacingCACC Ice Race Regulations2025
KartingCACC Karting Regulations2023
OfficialsCACC Officials Regulations2023
Road RaceCACC Race Regulations2025
Time AttackCACC Time Attack Regulations2025
Track Days (Lapping)CACC Track Days Regulations2023
Vintage RacingCACC Vintage Competition Regulations2025
      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority