CACC Rule Change Proposal

Date CreatedMay 15, 2023
Name of ProponentFrank Ewald
Short DescriptionExpand track options to specifically include Touge options.
Applicable Regulatory DocumentTime Attack
Type of Rule ChangeAddition
Section to be Added or ChangedSection 3.2.8
Proposed Regulation

Touge Competition events. These events are conducted at a permanent motorsport facility in which there are two cars on track at a time. There is no passing. The event is less than one lap long. There is a standing start with two cars at staggered intervals (stagger should be between 50 and 100 metres). The cars run the course to the finish line – less than one track lap - and the finish line may or may not be the facility's main start/finish line.

If the lead car increases the gap they win; if the trail car closes the gap they win. The winning car progresses; the losing car is out. When there are 10 or less cars in competition, the completion becomes a best of three event. Upon crossing the finish line the cars slow and move back to the start position but swap starting positions (i.e., the lead car is now the trail car with the trail car now being the lead car).

Cars that are put out in the first round in group A may be slotted into group B for a runner up event. The partial course may be run in the reverse of the typical event, pending the CACC Executive Steward's approval of the revised course.

Reason for Rule Change

Touge events have been around for many years. As BC Time Attack participants have limited motorsports venues to participate in, this provides a variation of the typical format. It is also very enjoyable for spectator viewing.

      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority