CACC Rule Change Proposal

Date CreatedSeptember 27, 2022
Name of ProponentRay Stec
Short Descriptionrule to penalize racers who cause a red flag situation during a race.
Applicable Regulatory DocumentRace
Type of Rule ChangeAddition
Section to be Added or Changed7.3
Proposed Regulation

Add subsection "M"
The following violation is subject to a one (1) lap penalty at the end of the race:
1 Causing a red flag situation during a race.

Reason for Rule Change

we have had a number of situations whereby drivers cause a race ending red flag and are still awarded a finishing position and even sometimes winning a race from the side of the track. Innocent racers who may get caught up in a race ending wreck may not be penalized. It is the at fault driver/s who would be assessed the penalty.

Regulation as Amended and Published

7.3.M The following violation may be subject to a one (1) lap penalty at the end of the race:
1. Causing a red flag situation during a race.

      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority