CACC Rule Change Proposal

Date CreatedSeptember 27, 2022
Name of ProponentKeith Robinson
Short DescriptionAny fines or penalties be agreed and witnessed by at least 3 officials.
Applicable Regulatory DocumentGeneral Competition (GCR)
Type of Rule ChangeAddition
Section to be Added or ChangedGCR's 8.1.E
Proposed Regulation

The whole 8.1.E section has to be reworded as to not allowed dictatorial enforcement of fines and punishments.
I propose that any fine or punitive action taken by a steward should be witnessed and agreed to (with a signature) by at least two other officials at the event. The Clerk of the Course and the Discipline Directory would be my suggestion.

Reason for Rule Change

Currently a steward has unrestricted authority to punish or fine competitors!!

      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority