CACC Rule Change Proposal

Date CreatedSeptember 27, 2023
Name of ProponentMichael Currie/Jim Kurtz
Short DescriptionMandatory minimum weight vehicle signage
Applicable Regulatory DocumentRace
Type of Rule ChangeModification
Section to be Added or ChangedThis is applicable to all class wherein a minimum weight is specified.
Current Regulation

This rule change would be applicable to ALL class wherein there is a minimum weight requirement.

Proposed Regulation

I would like to require that all cars competing in a class where there is a minimum weight that it be required to have it displayed in pounds on both sides of the car. On each of the front fenders or front doors for closed wheel cars. On the body below the drivers cockpit on open wheel cars.
It must a numerical display, be legible and be above the centreline of the wheels.

Reason for Rule Change

This will make is easier for the Tech crew to identify the various weights on the cars. Speeding up post-race inspections. This is also used by SCCA and Conference.

Regulation as Amended and Published

9.7.3 All competition vehicles must clearly display their minimum class weight above the wheel centreline on both sides of the vehicle in lettering a minimum of two inches tall.

      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority