
CACC Forms and Permits

Forms for competitors, officials and clubs can be found on this page. Choose your form type from the categories listed in the table below.

Competition and Officials License Applications
Medical Forms for Licensing
Waiver Links
Club Affiliation, Event Permit and Insurance and Drone Usage Applications
Affiliated Club, Event and Incident Report Forms
Travel Grant Application Form
Rule Change Proposals
Officials Evaluation Forms
Vehicle and Technical Inspection Forms
Budget Worksheet and Expense Claim Forms

Competition and Officials License Application Forms

Competition License ApplicationUse this form to apply for your CACC autoslalom, ice race, karting, race, time attack or vintage race competition license. More information on license requirements can be found on the CACC Licenses page.
Officials License ApplicationUse this form to apply for your CACC Officials license. More information on license requirements can be found on the CACC Licenses page.
License Change RequestUse the CACC License Change Request form when you have a current CACC Competition or Officials License and wish to add a supplemental endorsement, upgrade from novice to senior or remove an observation restriction. Instructions on completing the upgrade process for race and vintage novice or observation licenses can be found here.

Medical Forms

Medical Examination and Self-Declaration FormFirst-time race and vintage race drivers are required to file an doctor’s medical examination report, then again every five years for applicants 15 through 35, every two years for applicants age 36 to 59, and every year for applicants 60 years and older. All applicants are required to file the included CACC Medical Self-Declaration with each application.
Medical Self-Declaration FormThis standalone Medical Self-Declaration form is used with each license application by Karting and Ice Race applicants, and Race and Vintage license applicants when not required to submit a Physician Medical Examination form. The form is completed online and a copy of the completed form is sent to the email address provided.

Waiver Forms

Please note that paper waivers are no longer accepted by the CACC and its insurance provider. All participants at any CACC-sanctioned event must sign the online CACC Annual General Waiver. Participants are defined as drivers, crew, officials and anyone else entering the event’s restricted area. For more information on restricted areas and waiver signing, view this CACC Knowledgebase article.

Be sure to download a copy of your signed waiver in order to provide it to your event host and for applications that may require it such as the CACC Competition or Officials License application.

Annual General Waiver The CACC Annual General Waiver allows event participants to sign the waiver once each year, removing the requirement that the waiver signing process be completed at each event. Be sure to download a copy of your signed waiver so that you can provide it for events that require it such as the CACC license application.

View this two minute video if you need help signing the waiver. A more comprehensive look at the process can be found in this video or in this CACC Knowledgebase Article.
Annual General Waiver QR Code PosterClubs hosting CACC-sanctioned events may display this waiver poster in a prominent area for participants to sign using their smartphones.
Waiver VerificationClubs hosting competitive events are required to verify that a waiver has been signed for each participant. Use this link to login to the CACC waiver database and verify an event attendee has correctly signed and submitted a CACC Annual General Waiver. For information on the waiver verification process, download this CACC KnowledgeBase article.

Affiliation, Permit and Insurance Application Forms

Motorsport event organizers can find the appropriate event application form in the table below.

Club Affiliation ApplicationClick here to apply to affiliate your motorsport club with the CACC.
Event Permit and Insurance ApplicationUse this form to apply for a permit and insurance coverage for up to twelve Autolalom, HPDE, Ice Race, Karting, Lapping, Race, Race Driver Training, Time Attack or Vintage Race events being held at a single venue.
Event Permit and Insurance Cancellation ApplicationUse this form to apply for cancellation of the permit and insurance for a single scheduled CACC-sanctioned event. Applications must be received within 48 hours of the scheduled event.
Permanent Facility Event Insurance Certificate ApplicationUse this form to apply for a supplemental insurance certificate for a non-competitive event held at a third-party facility such as a car show.
Event Drone Permit ApplicationUse this form to apply to use an unmanned aerial device at a CACC-sanctioned event.

Affiliated Club, Event and Incident Report Forms

Affiliated Club General Meeting ReportClubs affiliated with the CACC may submit their annual report using this form. The report will be presented at the next CACC general member meeting.
Event Incident ReportUse this online form to report a significant incident (collision or injury) occurring at a CACC-sanctioned event. If an injury or fatility is indicated, the relevant information will be automatically forwarded to the organization’s insurer.
Steward’s Event ReportA CACC Steward’s Event Report must be submitted for all CACC-sanctioned events. Use this online form to submit a CACC Steward’s Event Report.
Track ReportDownload and print this hand-written form to record details of an on-course incident occurring at a CACC-sanctioned event. It is strongly recommended that event Clerks have this form available in hard-copy at all CACC-sanctioned events.

Grant Application Forms

Travel Grant ApplicationLicensed CACC members may use this form to apply for a grant when travelling large distances to attend an event hosted by a CACC affiliate.

Rule Changes

Rule Change ProposalUse this form to submit a proposal to change CACC regulations for any discipline or the General Competition Regulations. Note that rule change proposals must be received by October 1 to be eligible for inclusion in the fall general meeting.

Officials Evaluation Forms

Marshal EvaluationClick to download the CACC Marshal Evaluation form.
Safety Marshal EvaluationClick to download the CACC Safety Marshal Evaluation form.

Vehicle and Technical Inspection Forms

Autoslalom Vehicle Technical Self-DeclarationComplete this online form to produce a vehicle technical self-declaration form for entry into an Autoslalom competition. A copy will be sent to the email address you provide.
Ice Attack and Ice Cross Vehicle Technical Self-DeclarationComplete this online form to produce a vehicle technical self-declaration form for entry into an Ice Attack or Ice-X competition. A copy will be sent to the email address you provide.
Race and Vintage Technical InspectionComplete this online form to produce a vehicle technical inspection for entry into a CACC-sanctioned Race or Vintage competition. A copy will be sent to the email address you provide.

Expense Claim Form

Expense Reimbursement ClaimUse this form to apply for reimbursement of expenses authorized by the Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs.
Discipline Budget WorksheetCACC Motorsport Discipline Directors use this form to submit a draft budget for the upcoming season.