CACC Moves to Digital Licenses

Beginning with the 2023 season, the CACC will be phasing out plastic license cards and issuing digital competition and officials licenses.

Digital licenses are designed to expedite the turnaround time between application and receipt of your license, reduce the large workload faced by our volunteer license administrator and make your wallet lighter in a good way.

Your digital license will be provided as an image attachment sent to you by email. Save the digital license image to your smartphone for presentation at CACC-sanctioned and other events.

For those travelling to remote events hosted by non-CACC clubs, ICSCC (Conference), SOVREN, WCMA, CASC-OR and ARMS have fully approved the CACC digital competition and officials licenses for use at their events.

Apply for your CACC license at this location.

      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority