2024 CACC Vintage Discipline Travel Assistance Program

The CACC Vintage Discipline will continue its Vintage travel assistance fund for CACC Vintage license holders. For the 2024 season, CACC Vintage licensees can apply for a travel assistance grant for attendance at distant CACC sanctioned Vintage events. To qualify you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must hold a valid 2024 CACC Vintage license at the time of attendance at the event;
  • The event must be a CACC-sanctioned and insured Vintage race event including the BCHMR or the REVS series;
  • Travel must be completed between April 1 and October 31, 2024;
  • Amount available will be $125 for each license holder per event;
  • Travel distance to each event must be greater than 400 km one way or include BC Ferry trip to or from Vancouver Island or the Sunshine coast;
  • Applications must be submitted on or before November 1, 2024; and
  • The total travel budget for 2024 is $500.  In the event that claims exceed the total budget, claims will be prorated.

To register for a grant, please submit a travel grant application found on the CACC website Forms page

Aaron Robins
CACC Vintage Discipline Director

2024 CACC Race Discipline Travel Assistance Program

For the 2024 season, CACC Race discipline licensees can apply for a travel assistance grant for attendance at distant CACC-sanctioned Road Race events. To qualify you must meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must hold a valid 2024 CACC Race license at the time of the event;
  • The event must be a CACC-sanctioned and insured Road Race event;
  • Travel must be completed between April 1 and October 31, 2024;
  • Amount available will be $150 for each license holder per event to a maximum of $300;
  • Travel distance to each event must be greater than 200 km one way or include BC Ferry trip to or from Vancouver Island or the Sunshine coast;
  • Distribution of the funds will be at year-end, pro-rated to each applicant to a maximum of $300 or until the budget of $4500 is exhausted; and
  • Applications must be submitted on or before November 1, 2024.

To register for a grant, please submit a travel grant application found on the CACC website Forms page

Greg Cavouras
CACC Race Discipline Director

2024 CACC Autoslalom Discipline Travel Assistance Program

Good news for 2024 CACC Autoslalom license holders. The CACC Autoslalom Discipline will continue its Autoslalom travel assistance fund for CACC Autoslalom license holders.

For the 2024 season, Autoslalom licensees can apply for a $100 travel assistance grant for attendance at up to three distant CACC sanctioned Autoslalom events. To qualify you must meet the following criteria:

  1. You must hold a valid 2024 CACC Autoslalom license at the time of attendance at the event;
  2. The event must be a CACC-sanctioned and insured Autoslalom event;
  3. Only one grant per car per event trip is allowed;
  4. Travel must be completed between January 1 and October 31, 2024;
  5. Amount available will be $100 per event to a maximum of $300 per year;
  6. Travel distance must be greater than 500 km round trip or include BC Ferry trip to or from Vancouver Island or the Sunshine coast, for a single event;
  7. Distribution of funds will be done after the submission deadline. Shortfalls in the budgeted amount will result in a proration of paid out amounts to all successful applicants; and
  8. Applications must be submitted on or before November 1, 2024.

To register for a grant, please submit a travel grant application found on the CACC website Forms page

Jordan Valgardson
CACC Autoslalom Discipline Director

Notice of Fall 2023 General Meeting

The 2023 CACC Fall General Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 4 at 10:00 AM using a Zoom online meeting session. Discipline meetings will be held in the weeks leading up to the general meeting as per the schedule below, also using a Zoom online meeting session.

Rule Change Proposals

Proposals to amend CACC regulations submitted on or before the October 1 deadline and approved for discipline review by the CACC board will be circulated to discipline license holders mid next week.

Previous Meeting Minutes

Minutes from previous discipline and general meetings may be found on the CACC Minutes page.

Attendee Requirements

Please note that you must have your 2023 CACC Competition or Officials license in order to vote at the general meeting. If you plan to attend and vote in any discipline meeting, you must hold a 2023 CACC license for that discipline.

CACC Fall 2023 General Meeting Agenda

  1. President’s Welcome
  2. Executive Steward Report
  3. Discipline Director Reports
  4. Smart Legacy Fund Committee Report
  5. Women in Motorsport Committee Report
  6. Reports from Affiliated Clubs
  7. Executive Reports
  8. Old Business
  9. New Business
  10. Adjournment

Meeting Dates and Links

DisciplineDate and TimeZoom Meeting Link
AutoslalomMonday, Oct 16, 7:00 PMAutoslalom Meeting Link
Ice RaceMonday, Oct 30, 7:00 PMIce Race Meeting Link
KartingThursday, Nov 2, 7:00 PMKarting Meeting Link
OfficialsWednesday, Oct 18, 7:00 PMOfficials Meeting Link
RaceSunday, Oct 22, 1:00 PMRace Meeting Link
Time AttackThursday, Oct 26, 7:30 PMTime Attack Meeting Link
VintageMonday, October 23, 7:00 PMVintage Meeting Link
CACC General MeetingSaturday, Nov 4, 10:00 AMCACC Fall 2023 Meeting Link

META Turns 50

The Motorsport and Emergency Turnworkers Association has been the cornerstone in road racing safety in the province of British Columbia since 1973. META’s odometer turns 50 this year and they’re looking to celebrate.

To mark the occasion, the club will be hosting a barbeque steak dinner in the META Clubhouse at Mission Raceway Park on Saturday, August 19, 6:00 PM. Tickets are $40 and are available through meta.bc.ca.

Plan to join the celebration to show your support for the club’s historical dedication to BC motorsports.

2023 CACC Race Discipline Travel Assistance Policy

For the 2023 season, CACC Race discipline licensees can apply for a travel assistance grant for attendance at distant CACC-sanctioned Road Race events. To qualify you must meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must hold a valid 2023 CACC Race license at the time of the event;
  • The event must be a CACC-sanctioned and insured Road Race event;
  • Travel must be completed between April 1 and October 31, 2023;
  • Amount available will be $150 for each license holder per event to a maximum of $300;
  • Travel distance to each event must be greater than 200 km one way or include BC Ferry trip to or from Vancouver Island or the Sunshine coast;
  • Distribution of the funds will be at year-end, pro-rated to each applicant to a maximum of $300 or until the budget of $3000 is exhausted; and
  • Applications must be submitted on or before November 1, 2023.

To register for a grant, please submit a travel grant application found on the CACC website Forms page

Greg Cavouras
CACC Race Discipline Director

Long-time Steward Mike Kaerne Retires

Michael Kaerne, the long-serving Executive Steward of the CACC, has recently retired. The CACC is grateful for his long service to CACC and motorsport in our region. 

CACC is actively working to identify a new Executive Steward for the upcoming season.

CACC Moves to Digital Licenses

Beginning with the 2023 season, the CACC will be phasing out plastic license cards and issuing digital competition and officials licenses.

Digital licenses are designed to expedite the turnaround time between application and receipt of your license, reduce the large workload faced by our volunteer license administrator and make your wallet lighter in a good way.

Your digital license will be provided as an image attachment sent to you by email. Save the digital license image to your smartphone for presentation at CACC-sanctioned and other events.

For those travelling to remote events hosted by non-CACC clubs, ICSCC (Conference), SOVREN, WCMA, CASC-OR and ARMS have fully approved the CACC digital competition and officials licenses for use at their events.

Apply for your CACC license at this location.

      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority