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2024 CACC Vintage Discipline Travel Assistance Program

The CACC Vintage Discipline will continue its Vintage travel assistance fund for CACC Vintage license holders. For the 2024 season,…

7 months ago

2024 CACC Race Discipline Travel Assistance Program

For the 2024 season, CACC Race discipline licensees can apply for a travel assistance grant for attendance at distant CACC-sanctioned…

7 months ago

2024 CACC Autoslalom Discipline Travel Assistance Program

Good news for 2024 CACC Autoslalom license holders. The CACC Autoslalom Discipline will continue its Autoslalom travel assistance fund for…

7 months ago

Notice of Fall 2023 General Meeting

The 2023 CACC Fall General Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 4 at 10:00 AM using a Zoom online meeting…

9 months ago

META Turns 50

The Motorsport and Emergency Turnworkers Association has been the cornerstone in road racing safety in the province of British Columbia…

1 year ago

2023 CACC Race Discipline Travel Assistance Policy

For the 2023 season, CACC Race discipline licensees can apply for a travel assistance grant for attendance at distant CACC-sanctioned…

1 year ago

Disciplinary Action from October 8 SCCBC Race [EIR-2022-421]

The driver of closed wheel 2 car 39 has been placed on probation for actions in incident EIR-2022-421 occuring at…

1 year ago

Long-time Steward Mike Kaerne Retires

Michael Kaerne, the long-serving Executive Steward of the CACC, has recently retired. The CACC is grateful for his long service…

1 year ago

CACC Moves to Digital Licenses

Beginning with the 2023 season, the CACC will be phasing out plastic license cards and issuing digital competition and officials…

1 year ago