2021 Autoslalom Travel Subsidy

CACC Autoslalom Discipline Director Giff Robb has announced a program to subsidize travel to autocross/autoslalom events for CACC Autoslalom License holders. Details as provided by Mr. Robb follow.

CACC Autoslalom Travel Subsidy Announcement

With the movement of the province to Stage 3 of the reopening from the Covid-19 restrictions we can implement our Autoslalom travel assistance fund for license holders. For the balance of the 2021 season, Autoslalom license holders can apply for a $100 travel assistance grant for attendance at one distant CACC sanctioned autoslalom event. To qualify you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must hold a valid 2021 CACC Autoslalom license
  • Travel must be completed between July 5 and December 31, 2021
  • Amount available will be $100 per applicant per year
  • Travel distance must be greater than 500 km round trip or include BC Ferry trip to or from Vancouver Island or the Sunshine coast, for a single event.
  • Distribution of the funds will be on a first come first served basis and will end when the budgeted $3000 is exhausted.
  • To register for a grant please forward the following to autoslalom@caccautosport.org
    • Name and home address
    • 2021 CACC Autoslalom license number
    • Name and location of event attended and copy of published results

Gifford Robb
CACC Autoslalom Discipline Director

      The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs
      BC's FIA/ASN Canada Motorsport Sanctioning Authority